
Roof Use Policy

Jadwin Hall and McDonnell Hall Emergency Action Plans

Potential emergencies in Jadwin or McDonnell Halls may require the occupants to evacuate the building. The following information and procedures have been designed to help ensure your personal safety, should an evacuation become necessary.

University Fire Emergency Policy and Procedure:

In case of a fire emergency*, Public Safety must be notified immediately at 911. Public Safety has primary responsibility for managing fire emergencies and summoning outside assistance when necessary. Unauthorized re-entry into a building during a fire emergency is not permitted. Violators of this policy are subject to University and state fire code sanctions.

Each University Department must designate an Emergency Coordinator responsible for developing and maintaining a departmental Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and training employees on all elements of the plan as well as any special duties assigned specific individuals. During a fire emergency, only individuals designated in the EAP may remain in the building to fulfill their responsibilities. All other occupants must immediately evacuate the building in accordance with the departmental emergency action plan.

If you discover a fire:

  • Alert people in the area of the need to evacuate
  • Activate the nearest fire alarm
  • Call Public Safety at 911

If a building fire alarm is sounding or you receive notification of a fire emergency:

  • Assemble at the area designated in your departmental Emergency Action Plan and remain there until instructed by Public Safety or the fire department that it is safe to re-enter the building.

A fire emergency is defined as (1) an uncontrolled fire or imminent fire hazard, (2) the presence of smoke or the odor of burning, (3) the uncontrolled release of a flammable or combustible substance, or (4) a fire alarm sounding.

Fire Safety Information Specific to Jadwin or McDonnell Halls

The Physics Department Emergency Coordinator is Lisa Scalice, Department Manager. If you have questions about this plan, contact Lisa (8-0238 or [email protected]) or the office of Environmental Health and Safety. If you have questions or concerns about fire safety, contact the Office of the Fire Marshal.

Evacuation Procedures

Evacuate immediately unless you have specific emergency responsibilities designated in the Additional Duties section of this plan. After you have left the building, you MUST go to the designated assembly point as shown below:

Building Assembly Point
Jadwin Hall Outside the Front Entrance to the Building, in Visitor Parking Area
McDonnell Hall Lawn near Washington Road (at the Jadwin-Fine-McDonnell sign)
At the assembly point, supervisors will account for personnel and notify the Emergency Coordinator or Public Safety if any personnel are missing.

During an emergency, students and visitors who may not be familiar with this plan must be informed of the requirement to evacuate. Special attention should also be given to any persons with disabilities, especially those who are visitors or unfamiliar with the building.

Assistance in an Evacuation

If you think you might need specialized assistance in recognizing an alarm (e.g. a visual alarm device) or help during an evacuation (e.g. specialized evacuation equipment or alternative egress route planning) due to a medical condition or disability, you may contact your emergency coordinator to arrange for an evaluation. Self-identification is voluntary. All such requests and any special arrangements made will only be disclosed to Public Safety and individuals who have a responsibility to assist under the plan. Remember that elevators are tied to the fire detection system and are not available to occupants once a fire alarm sounds.

Additional information on emergency action planning can be found in the Princeton University Health & Safety Guide, on the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) web page (, or the University Fire Marshal (8-6805).


All new employees or other regular building occupants must receive initial EAP training. All building occupants must be familiar with the contents of this plan. The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for full dissemination of any changes to the plan following the annual review.

Fire extinguisher training is available upon request through the University Fire Marshal (8-6805)

Spill Response Plan

  • Pre-planning is essential to handling a spill. Laboratory workers should consider the following items to prepare themselves and their laboratories for spill control and cleanup.
  • Review Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) or orther references for recommended spill cleanup methods and materials, and the need for personal protective equipment (i.e., respirator, gloves, protective clothing, etc.).
  • Acquire sufficient quantities and types of spill control materials to contain any spills that can be reasonably anticipated. The need for equipment to disperse, collect and contain spill control materials (i.e., brushes, scoops, sealable waste containers, etc.) should also be reviewed.
  • ***Spill control kits are available in Jadwin Physics in room 124 and at the loading dock.
  • Acquire recommended personal protective equipment and know how to use it properly.
  • Place spill control materials in a readily accessible location within or immediately adjacent to the laboratory.

Spill Response Procedures:

  • In the event of a spill, the general procedure listed below should be followed:
  • Immediately alert others in the area and the supervisor, and evacuate the area, if necessary.
  • Contact Public Safety at 911 if there is a fire or medical attention is needed.
  • Attend to any persons who may have bene contaminated. Contaminated clothing must be removed immediately and the skin flushed with water for no less than fifteen minutes. Clothing must be laundered before reuse.
  • If a volatile, flammable material is spilled, immediately warn others in the area, control sources of ignition and ventilate the area.
  • Don personal protective equipment, as appropriate to the hazards. Refer to the MSDS or other references for information.
  • Using the chart below, determine the extent and type of spill. If the spill is large, if there has been a release to the environment, or if assistance is needed, contact Public Safety at 911 or EHS at 258-5294. In the event of a release to the environment, immediately contact Public Safety at 911 and notify Bob Ortego, Environmental Compliance Manager, at 258-1841.
Category Size Response Treatment Materials
Small up to 300 cc chemical treatment or absorption neutralization or absorption spill kit
Medium 300 cc - 5 liters absorption absorption spill kit
Large more than 5 liters call Public Safety outside help
  • Consider the need for respiratory protection. The use of a respirator or self-contained breathing apparatus requires specialized training and medical surveillance. Never enter a contaminated atmosphere without protection or use a respirator without training. If respiratory protection is needed and no trained personnel are available, call Public Safety at 911 and then call EHS at 258-5294. If respiratory protection is available, be sure there is another person outside the spill area in communication or in sight, in case of emergency.
  • Protect floor drains or other means for environmental release. Spill socks and absorbents may be placed around drains, as needed.
    • Loose spill control materials should be distributed over the entire spill area, working from the outside, circling to the center. This reduces the chance of splash or spreading of the spilled chemical.
    • Bulk absorbents and many spill pillows do NOT work on hydrofluoric acid. PLLYZORB products and their equivalent will handle hydrofluoric acid.
    • Many neutralizers for acids and bases have a color change indicator to show when neutralization is complete.
    • Several materials for cleaning up mercury spills are available in chemical catalogs, safety supply catalogs and at some of the science and engineering stockrooms. Broken thermometers, gauges or other mercury-containing materials, may be placed in a plastic bag or glass or metal container, and sealed.
  • When the spilled materials have been absorbed, use a brush and scoop (spark-resistant if flammable materials are involved) to place materials in an appropriate container. Polyethylene bags may be used for small spills. Five gallon pails or 20 gallon drums with polyethylene liners may be appropriate for larger spills.
  • Complete a hazardous waster sticker, identifying the material as Spill Debris involving XYZ Chemical, and affix the sticker to the container or bag. Remember the use of an absorbent does not alter the chemical properties of the chemical. Contact EHS at 258-5294 for advice on storage and packaging for disposal.
  • Place the container in a hood or other properly ventilated area until the next chemical waste pick-up.
  • Decontaminte surfaces involved in the spill using a mild detergent and water, as appropriate.
  • Report all spills to your supervisor or the principal investigator. Report all spills to your supervisor or the principal investigator.

How and Where to Dispose of Bio Waste

In order to retrieve a bio waste disposal box please contact Jim Kukon at extension 8-4364 or his email address [email protected]. To dispose of the waste please follow the directions listed below.

  • Deposite all contaminated waste including: glass, gloves, sharps, towels, anything contaminated into the red bag that lines the box.
  • Once the red bag is full, tie up the bag then close and tape the box shut.
  • Label the outside of the box with: name, lab name, phone number, and the date.
  • Place closed and labeled box in hallway outside of lab and then contact Jim Kukon at extension 8-4364 or email [email protected]. Then he will make arrangements for the box to be picked up.

For all other information on Bio waste and disposal procedures refer to the EHS website.

How and Where to Dispose of Unwanted Items

Bulk Trash Removal, Surplus and Recycling

Items identified for disposal are to be brought to the Loading Dock after contacting the Physics Purchasing Office . Kindly alert the staff of your intent to move items to the Loading Dock. There is a designated area for:

  • Wood, metal debris, metal/out-of-date eqiupment - with or without asset tags.

    Items NOT to be brought to the Loading Dock:

  • Corrugated cardboard and paper: All corrugated and paper products should be broken down to manageable size and left nearest a garbage can for pick up by the Jadwin Janitorial Staff.

University Policy on Roof Use and Departmental Rules for Roof Access

*Please find below a reminder of the Office of Environmental Health and Safety that use of the roof is restricted to only bona fide University sanctioned activity (in our case maintenance and several experiments.)

Department’s Roof access rules:

Only those projects with approval from either the Chair or the Department Manger will be allowed to be placed on the roof.

Only people actively working on the approved projects will be allowed on the roof, and only when it is necessary for their active participation in the work activity.

Per OSHA regulations, people who are working outside on the open roof area must NOT go closer to the edge of the roof unless they have received fall protection training and they have some sort of fall protection apparatus. An orange line has been painted to delineate the six-foot encroachment zone. The area that has an adequate railing (namely the yellow stanchions on the west side of the area immediately outside of the roof access door) is excepted from the six foot encroachment rule.

The doors accessing the outside must remain closed and locked. If the door is to be open for an extended time period, it must be constantly monitored by someone assigned to watch the door. The door MAY NOT BE LEFT OPEN UNATTENDED.  If an unfamiliar person goes out onto the roof, call Geoff Gettelfinger(8-4404) or Bob Rickett 8-4329).

All material outside on the roof must be secured to prevent it from blowing around or off the roof. Anything not in active use outside, must be brought inside or stored in a proper, approved container.

All equipment on the roof decking material must be on a pad or other surface approved by Special Facilities . This is to prevent an extremely costly charge if the roof membrane is penetrated, leading to a leak.

No object may be dropped or thrown from the roof or any balcony (or window for that matter.) Throwing or dropping objects is extremely unsafe. Anyone caught doing so will be disciplined in accordance with University policy, which can possibly lead to suspension without pay or permanent separation from the University. Certain exceptions can be made to this rule (e.g. an educational demonstration), only after extensive planning, consultation with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, Departmental approval, and prior notification and coordination with Public Safety.

Abuse of these rules, can lead to suspension of rood access privileges and or referral to University disciplinary procedures, if warranted.

It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator for the roof-top projects to make sure that the people working on the roof are aware of these rules and their enforcement.

Please remember to work safely and to watch out for the safety of your colleagues. Our primary goal is to prevent injuries to yourself and to others.


Lisa Scalice, Department Manager
Physics Department
211 Jadwin Hall
609-258-0238 tel.
609-258-1124 fax.