Condensed Matter Experiment

Contact : Jennifer Bornkamp
Phone: 609-258-4371
Email: [email protected]

Contact: Susan Sabatura
Phone: 609-258-2667


Contact : Sarah Siddall
Phone: 609-258-9548
Email: [email protected]

Condensed matter physics may be described as the search for simple, unifying explanations for complicated phenomena observed in liquids and solids. Advances in the field lead to universal concepts that govern the behavior of a large number of particles. Modern research embraces both "quantum" systems (the behavior of electrons in solids at low temperature) and "soft" condensed matter (liquid crystals, polymers, and biological structure are examples).

At Princeton, experimentalists are active in:

  • topological phases
  • novel superconductivity in organic metals
  • spin-liquids
  • quantum spin-textures
  • topological insulators
  • quantum magnetism in spin-chain materials
  • the physics of nanometer-scale structures
  • high-temperature superconductors
  • ferromagnetic oxides
  • charge and spin density wave compounds
  • mesoscopic properties of subnanometer wires
  • quantum control of single electron spins
  • quantum computing
  • the fractional quantum Hall effect
  • topological quantum Hall effect and spin-textures

Research in experimental condensed matter physics spans the departments of Physics, Chemistry, and Electrical Engineering through multiple collaborations and common grants.


Associated Faculty