
Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High Energy Physics

(IRIS-HEP) is a software institute funded by the National Science Foundation. It aims to develop the state-of-the-art software cyberinfrastructure required for the challenges of data intensive scientific research at the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) at CERN, and other planned HEP experiments of the 2020.

Princeton Center for Complex Materials
is an NSF-supported Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC). Two interdisciplinary research groups (IRGs) made up of over 30 faculty from six departments research quantum technologies and biology-inspired materials. The Center also features a broad array of public programs, educational outreach, and industrial collaborations.
Princeton Center for Theoretical Science

is designed to enhance research and education in the theoretical natural sciences through prestigious postdoctoral fellowships and programs that identify and explore forefront issues in theoretical science.

Princeton Quantum Initiative

Pushing the boundaries of discovery around quantum information.

The Center for the Physics of Biological Function
The Center for the Physics of Biological Function (CPBF), an NSF PFC center and a joint effort between The Graduate Center at CUNY and Princeton University
The Princeton Gravity Initiative
The Princeton Gravity Initiative is a new collaborative program between Princeton University's departments of Astrophysics, Mathematics and Physics to explore the fundamentals of the force we call gravity.