Position Professor of Physics Email [email protected] Assistant Sarah Siddall Website https://www.mariangelalisanti.com/ Advisee(s): Adriana Dropulic Dylan Folsom Kassidy Kollmann Hongwan Liu Sandip Roy Bio/Description Mariangela Lisanti is a professor of physics at Princeton University and an associate research scientist in the Center for Computational Astrophysics at the Flatiron Institute. She is an astroparticle theorist and leads a group at Princeton researching the nature of dark matter. She earned her B.S. from Harvard University, summa cum laude, in 2005 and her Ph.D. from Stanford in 2010. She joined the Princeton faculty in the Department of Physics in 2013. She is also a faculty fellow at the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science and a participating faculty member at the Center for Statistics and Machine Learning. She has received numerous awards and honors over the years, including the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching at Princeton University and the Simons Investigator Award, from the Simons Foundation. She also currently chairs the Princeton Physics Department’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiative. Selected Publications M. Lisanti, S. Mishra-Sharma, N. Rodd, and B. Safdi, "Mapping Extragalactic Dark Matter Annihilation with Galaxy Surveys: A Systematic Study of Stacked Group Searches," Phys. Rev. D97 (2018) 063005.M. Lisanti, S. Mishra-Sharma, N. Rodd, and B. Safdi, "A Search for Dark Matter Annihilation in Galaxy Groups," Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 (2018) 101101.Y. Hochberg, et al., "Detection of sub-MeV Dark Matter with Three-Dimensional Dirac Materials," Phys. Rev. D97 (2018) 015004.J. Herzog-Arbeitman, M. Lisanti, and L. Necib, "The Metal-Poor Stellar Halo in RAVE-TGAS and its Implications for the Velocity Distribution of Dark Matter," Submitted for Publication.T. Cohen, M. Lisanti, H. K. Lou, and S. Mishra-Sharma, "LHC Searches for Dark Sector Showers," JHEP 1711 (2017) 196.J. Herzog-Arbeitman, M. Lisanti, P. Madau and L. Necib, "Empirical Determination of Dark Matter Velocities using Metal-Poor Stars," Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 (2018) 041102.Y. Hochberg, Y. Kahn, M. Lisanti, C. Tully, and K. Zurek, "Directional Detection of Dark Matter with 2D Targets," Phys. Lett. B772 (2017) 239.M. Lisanti, S. Mishra-Sharma, L. Necib, and B. Safdi, "Deciphering Contributions to the Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Background from 2 GeV to 2 TeV, " Ap. J. 832 (2016) 117. M. Lisanti, "Lectures on Dark Matter Physics," TASI Proceedings.S. Lee, M. Lisanti, S. Mishra-Sharma, and B. Safdi, "Modulation Effects in Dark Matter-Electron Scattering Experiments," Phys. Rev. D92 (2015) 083517.S. Lee, M. Lisanti, B. Safdi, T. Slatyer, and W. Xue, "Evidence for Unresolved Gamma-Ray Point Sources in the Inner Galaxy," Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (2016) 051103.T. Cohen, M. Lisanti, and H. K. Lou, "Semivisible Jets: Dark Matter Undercover at the LHC," Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 (2015) 171804.S. Lee, M. Lisanti, and B. Safdi, "Distinguishing Dark Matter from Unresolved Point Sources in the Inner Galaxy with Photon Statistics," JCAP 1505 (2015) 056.M. Lisanti, D. Spergel, and P. Madau, "Signatures of Kinematic Substructure in the Galactic Stellar Halo," Ap. J. 807 (2015) 14.M. Lisanti, B. Safdi, and C. Tully, "Measuring Anisotropies in the Cosmic Neutrino Background," Phys. Rev. D90 (2014) 073006.B. Safdi, M. Lisanti, J. Spitz, and J. Formaggio, "Annual Modulation of Cosmic Relic Neutrinos," Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014) 043001.T. Cohen M. Jankowiak, M. Lisanti, H. K. Lou, and J. Wacker, "Jet Substructure Templates: Data-driven QCD Backgrounds for Fat Jet Searches," JHEP 1405 (2014) 005. K. Blum, R. D'Agnolo, M. Lisanti, and B. Safdi, "Constraining Axion Dark Matter with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis," Phys. Lett. B737 (2014) 30.S. Lee, M. Lisanti, A. Peter, and B. Safdi, "Effect of Gravitational Focusing on Annual Modulation in Dark-Matter Direct-Detection Experiments," Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (2014) 011301.S. Lee, M. Lisanti, and B. Safdi, "Dark-Matter Harmonics Beyond Annual Modulation," JCAP 1311 (2013) 033.T. Cohen, M. Lisanti, A. Pierce, and T. Slatyer, "Wino Dark Matter Under Siege," JCAP 1310 (2013) 061. Related News Mariangela Lisanti awarded Simons Investigators AwardCongratulations to Peter Elmer, Mariangela Lisanti, Isobel Ojalvo and Sanfeng Wu for receiving funding from the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Transformative Tech Fund