Chiara Nappi

Professor Emerita
Office Phone
342 Jadwin Hall

Chiara R. Nappi has been working on various aspects of theoretical particle physics, from mathematical physics to string theory. After her initial interest in constructive field theory and rigorous statistical mechanics, she worked on the skyrmion description of nucleons, at the interface of particle physics and nuclear physics. In the mid 80's she got involved in string theory, shifting her focus from particle phenomenology to string phenomenology. Among other things, she has worked on low-energy effective actions for string theory  and investigated the effects of boundaries and higher loops corrections on the string effective actions. She also has been interested in black hole solutions, non-commutativity in string theory and integrability in string theories and gauge theories.

Selected Publications


  • C. R. Nappi,  L.  Dolan and E. Witten,  ``A Relation between approaches to integrability in superconformal Yang-Mills theoryā€¯,  JHEP 0310:017, 2003.
  • C.R. Nappi and L. Dolan, "A Scaling Limit With Many Noncommutativity Parameters", Phys. Lett. B504, pp. 329-337, 2001.   
  • C. R. Nappi, M. D. McGuigan, and S. A. Yost, "Charged Black Holes in Two-Dimensional String Theory",  Nucl. Phys. B375, pp. 421-452.   
  • C. R. Nappi, A. Abouelsaood, C. G. Callan, and S. A. Yost, "Open Strings in Background Gauge Fields",  Nucl. Phys. B280, p. 599, 1987.   
  • C. R. Nappi, Static Properties of Baryons as Chiral Solitons, Proc. of Workshop on Solitons in Nuclear and Particle Physics, Lewes, Del, June 2-July 27, 1984 (QC174.26:W62:1984).   
  • C. R. Nappi, R. Figari, and R. Hoegh-Krohn, Interacting Relativistic Boson Fields in the De Sitter Universe With Two Space-Time Dimensions, Comm. Math. Phys. 44, pp. 265-278, 1975.
  • Detailed Publication List (Spires Library)