The Budget and Grants Office is available to assist Physics Department faculty, staff, and students with both proposal preparation and submissions as well as post-award grant matters . Whether you are submitting a new proposal, requesting supplemental funding, checking on your current project and program expenditures or closing out your account, we are here to assist you through the process.If you have any questions or concerns please contract your Physics Budget & Grants representative below.Laura DeeveyManager, Grants & Financial Operations609.258.4829Room 207 Manager of Grants and Financial Operations which includes the Budget and Grants Team as well as the Procurement and Logistics Team. In conjunction with Stephanie Rumphrey, Laura handles post-award activities for Andrei Bernevig, Jo Dunkley, Duncan Haldane, David Huse, Lyman Page, Jason Petta, Shivaji Sondhi, Suzanne Staggs and Sanfeng Wu.Brenda ZanghiSenior Grants Manager609.258.6742Room 203Grants Manager supporting pre and post award for Robert Austin, William Bialek, Frank Calaprice, Curt Callan, Cristiano Galbiati, Thomas Gregor, Andrew Leifer, Peter Meyers (DS), Jason Puchalla and Joshua Shaevitz.Stephanie RumphreyGrants Manager & Assistant Business Manager609.258.0491Room 205Assistant Grants & Business Manager supporting pre and post award for Andrei Bernevig, Jo Dunkley, Duncan Haldane, David Huse, Lyman Page, Jason Petta, Shivaji Sondhi, Suzanne Staggs and Sanfeng Wu.Stephanie also manages the billing for the Physics Recharge Centers which include the QDNL Cleanroom, Helium, Nitrogen, Machine Shop and Stockrooms (General & Metal).Kathy Kulper Grants Manager609.258.2428 Room 250Assistant Grants Manager supporting pre and post award for Peter Elmer, Aurelien Fraisse, William Jones, Biao Lian, Daniel Marlow, Kirk McDonald, Peter Meyers (HEP), Isobel Ojalvo, James Olsen, Frans Pretorius, Shinsei Ryu, Paul Steinhardt and Christopher Tully.Julio LopezGrants Manager609.258.5825Room 248Assistant Grants Administrator supporting pre and post award for Michael Aizenman, Waseem Bakr, Lawrence Cheuk, Simone Giombi, M. Zahid Hasan, Igor Klebanov, Elliot Lieb, Mariangela Lisanti, Chiara Nappi, Phuan Ong, Silviu Pufu, Michael Romalis, Herman Verlinde and Ali Yazdani.