Quantum seminar: Philippe Suchsland (Max Planck Inst.), 3 pm, Mon. Dec. 2 "Krylov Complexity in Unitary Circuits" (Jadwin Hall, Joe Henry Room, 1st fl)

Dec 2, 2024, 3:00 pm4:00 pm
Faculty, Postdocs, graduate students


Event Description

Princeton Quantum Seminar
Philippe Suchsland, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems 
"Krylov Complexity in Unitary Circuits"

In this talk, I will provide a perspective on thermalization in many-body dynamics where the evolution is governed by unitary circuits through the lens of ‘Krylov complexity’, a recently proposed measure of complexity and quantum chaos. We extend the formalism of Krylov complexity to unitary circuit dynamics and focus on Floquet circuits arising as the Trotter decomposition of Hamiltonian dynamics. For short Trotter steps the results from Hamiltonian dynamics are recovered, whereas a large Trotter step results in different universal behavior characterized by the existence of local maximally ergodic operators: operators with vanishing autocorrelation functions, as exemplified in dual-unitary circuits. These operators exhibit maximal complexity growth, act as a memoryless bath for the dynamics, and can be directly probed in current quantum computing setups. These two regimes are separated by a crossover in chaotic systems. Conversely, we find that free integrable systems exhibit a nonanalytic transition between these different regimes, where maximally ergodic operators appear at a critical Trotter step.

Host: Professor Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Electrical & Computer Engineering