Princeton Quantum Colloquium - 10/21 - 12 PM - Adiel Stern (Weizmann Institute of Science) “The return of the Anyons - news from the fractional quantum Hall effect” - Jadwin PCTS 407

The return of the Anyons - news from the fractional quantum Hall effect
Oct 21, 2024, 12:00 pm1:30 pm
Jadwin PCTS room 407
Faculty, post docs, grads



Event Description

The fractional quantum Hall effect, first observed some four decades ago,  is a system where Anyons - particles of fractional charges and fractional quantum statistics - flourish. In the last year, several important developments have brought the physics of Anyons back into the limelight. In particular, Anyons were shown to be quantum particles that can interfere as waves, and their traditional "alma mater", the fractional quantum Hall effect, has been shown to exist even without the application of any magnetic field.