Pheno & Vino Seminar, Csaba Csaki, Cornell, "Displaced Higgs decays and flavor bounds in twin Higgs models"

Jan 19, 2016, 4:00 pm5:30 pm
Jadwin 303


Event Description
I first examine one of the most interesting potential experimental signals of twin Higgs models, where the ordinary Higgs can decay to long-lived twin sector states, which then in turn decay back to SM states, giving rise to displaced Higgs decays. I will focus on decays in the tracker system, and show that Run I searches already yield some weak bound on such scenarios, and estimate Run II sensitivities. In the second part of the talk I will review the flavor structure of these models, and estimate the leading flavor bounds. I will argue that the tension between naturalness and favor bounds is somewhat relieved in these models, since the KK modes can be lifted to higher values by raising the interaction strength without a corresponding rise in the fine tuning of the Higgs mass. Thus twin Higgs provides an improved framework for anarchic flavor.