Date Apr 8, 2024, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Share on X Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Details Event Description In 2022, the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration revealed the first images of the shadow of our Milky Way supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). Since its detection in the mid-70s, this bright radio source in the Galactic center has been shrouded in a veil of mystery. The Nobel-awarded stellar orbits research in the Galactic center pinned down its mass and distance, showing evidence of an extremely compact 4 million-solar-mass object at the heart of our Galaxy. The EHT then provided the first direct evidence that this object is indeed a black hole and resolved its shadow for the first time. In this talk, I will explain the challenges of imaging Sgr A* and how these were overcome by the EHT to obtain its latest results. In the next decade, the EHT will have the capability to make detailed high-dynamic range millimeter and sub-millimeter polarimetric movies of M87, Sagittarius A*, and other black hole targets – tracing the dynamical processes underlying black hole accretion and jet launching while zooming in on stationary horizon-scale features that reveal the imprint of black hole spin.