Particle Physics Seminar, David Curtin, U. of Maryland, "Probing Colorless Naturalness"

May 11, 2015, 4:00 pm5:30 pm
Jadwin 303


Event Description
Theories of uncolored naturalness solve the (little) hierarchy problem without colored top partners, avoiding stringent LHC bounds. I will classify these theories by the physical properties of their top partners to derive the minimal experimental signatures required for a natural solution to the little Hierarchy problem. All so-far proposed natural theories are discoverable by some measurement at the LHC or proposed future lepton/hadron colliders. In particular, we show that exotic Higgs decay to mirror glueballs is the 'smoking gun' of folded-SUSY type scenarios, while also discussing top partner direct production. For neutral top partners, a general parameterization of possible UV completions may fill loop holes of existing theories and guide exclusion by future measurements.