Date May 20, 2022, 1:45 pm – 1:45 pm Location Wolfensohn Hall (behind Bloomberg Hall) & on Zoom Share on X Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Speaker Nafiz Ishtiaque Affiliation Member, School of Natural Sciences, IAS| "TBA" | Wolfensohn Hall & Zoom Presentation Relating Integrable Spin Chains to Gauge Theories via String Theory Details Event Description I will discuss some applications of brane constructions of rational integrable spin chains with Verma modules. These spin chains appear in various gauge theories. They can be created in 4d Chern-Simons theories with line operators, mapped to massive vacua of certain 2d N=(2,2) gauge theories using Bethe/Gauge correspondences, described in terms of vortices and monopole operators in 3d N=4 theories etc. I will argue that all these descriptions of the spin chains can be seen as different perspectives of the same string theory setups.… Sponsor IAS