High Energy Physcis Seminar- Sanjay Padhi, CERN -"Is SUSY still alive? A CMS perspective"

Sep 27, 2011, 2:00 pm3:00 pm
Jadwin 475


Event Description
After decades of preparation, the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are taking the first steps toward resolving many long-standing puzzles about fundamental physics at the weak scale. There were high expectations for early discovery of Supersymmetry (SUSY) at the beginning of the LHC search program. This talk summarizes the current experimental status and strategies used by the CMS Collaboration in the search for SUSY involving jets and missing energy in fully hadronic and leptonic final states. SUSY mass scales in the TeV range are excluded by these preliminary results. This poses the questions: Is SUSY still alive? And is it still accessible within the LHC reach for 7 TeV pp collisions?