High Energy Physcis Seminar-Kanishk Rao-Top-quarks, Dark Matter, and BSM Higgs at CDF and ATLAS

Jan 7, 2013, 2:00 pm3:00 pm
Jadwin A08


Event Description
We present searches in the top-quark, dark matter and BSM Higgs sectors at the CDF and ATLAS experiments. We present a search for fourth generation quarks at the ATLAS detector using a novel W identification method. We search for a new particle resonance that might explain the CDF observed top-quark asymmetry at CDF and ATLAS. We also describe a new method, 'basis-limits',which allows for powerful reinterpretation of experimental results without the need for experiment-specific tools, which are usually not available publicly. Finally, we discuss BSM scenarios for the newly discovered boson at the LHC, specifically in the 2 Higgs Doublet Model framework. We present a search for such a model at CDF and prospects at the LHC.