HET Seminar | Valentin Reys, IPhT, Saclay | “Precision holography for (non-)susy observables” | PCTS

Sep 22, 2023, 11:00 am11:00 am


Event Description

I will review recent progress in understanding perturbative corrections to the large N limit of various observables in holographic 3d SCFTs. For supersymmetric observables, these corrections are obtained from supersymmetric localization and can be used to infer the value of higher-derivative couplings in the dual gravitational theory. This form of "precision holography" is useful to shed light on the structure of string/M-theory beyond the two-derivative supergravity limit. I will also discuss applications to non-supersymmetric observables, where bulk results can be used to make new predictions for thermal observables beyond the strict large N limit. Interesting structures and relations appear in the thermal context, which I will highlight.