HET Seminar |Uwe Trittmann, Otterbein University| “An alternative approach to solving two-dimensional adjoint QCD ” |PCTS

Apr 18, 2024, 3:00 pm4:00 pm


Event Description

The method of exhaustively-symmetrized light-cone quantization (eLCQ) is described. As a continuous approach to solving quantum bound-state problems, it exploits the symmetries of physical systems to generate an optimal set of basis functions. It has been successfully applied to two-dimensional QCD with adjoint fermions in the large Nc limit. Corroborating results of discretized approaches, it relieves worries that the latter might be flawed when encountering singular integral kernels. While eLCQ is poised to adequately treat singularities in bound-state equations, it is so far limited to low parton number.  

In the talk I will highlight the advantages and problems of the eLCQ approach, and describe forays into finite N and small coupling calculations.