HET Seminar | Julien Barrat, Humboldt University of Berlin| “A dispersion relation for bootstrapping holographic defect correlators” | PCTS & Zoom

Nov 22, 2022, 2:00 pm2:00 pm



Event Description

Tremendous progress has been achieved during the last years in bootstrapping conformal correlators at strong coupling using analytical bootstrap methods and the AdS/CFT correspondence. In particular, the development of Lorentzian inversion formulae revealed helpful in reconstructing four-point functions. In this talk I will present how this technology can be adapted to defect setups in order to compute scalar two-point functions in the presence of a conformal defect in the strong-coupling regime. We derived a dispersion relation that allows to efficiently generate elegant closed-form expressions for a variety of setups, and in particular we apply this method to two-point functions of single-trace half-BPS operators in the presence of the supersymmetric Wilson line defect in 4d N=4 SYM, using minimal input from holography.

