HET Seminar | "Emanant chiral supersymmetry in 1+1 fermions on lattice"

Feb 7, 2025, 2:00 pm3:00 pm
Jadwin Hall 4th Floor PCTS 407



Event Description


The appearance of chiral symmetry from lattice fermions has been a non-trivial issue over many years. We apply the idea of "emanant chiral symmetry" by Seiberg and Shao to study the "emanant chiral supersymmetry" on the 1+1 dimensional lattice. Our chiral supersymmetry is realized only by using fermionic lattice degrees of freedom and it shows the spontaneous supersymmetry breaking at a finite coupling constant. In the continuum limit, it gives the fermionic description of the RG flow between (5,4) and (3,4) Virasoro minimal models.