Date Mar 18, 2021, 4:00 pm – 4:00 pm Location via Zoom Share on X Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Speaker Keivan G. Stassun Affiliation Vanderbilt University Presentation "Advancing Diversity at the PhD Level in Physics and Astronomy" Details Event Description Join Zoom Meeting Abstract: The under-representation of Black-, Hispanic-, and Native-Americans at the PhD level in physics is an order-of-magnitude problem. In this talk, we describe lessons learned from the Fisk-Vanderbilt Masters-to-PhD Bridge Program as a successful model for addressing this problem. Since 2004 the program has admitted more than 140 students, ~90% of them underrepresented minorities, ~50% women, with a retention rate of ~85%. We summarize the main strategies that enable these successes: (1) replacing the GRE in admissions with indicators that are better predictive of long-term success, (2) using the master’s degree as a deliberate stepping stone to the PhD, and (3) wrap-around mentoring to support student success. We show how misuse of the GRE in graduate admissions may by itself in large part explain the ongoing under-representation of minorities in PhD programs, and we describe alternate methods to identify talented individuals most likely to succeed. We describe a mentoring model and toolkit which may be utilized to enhance the success of all PhD students. Finally, we introduce Vanderbilt's new Center for Autism & Innovation, focused on bringing the talents of autistic and other neurodiverse individuals to scientific research.