Donald R. Hamilton Lecture:Elena Aprile,Columbia University,"The Xenon Project:At the Forefront of Dark Matter Direct Detection" McDonnell A01

Apr 11, 2019, 8:00 pm8:00 pm
McDonnell A01
A free lecture open to the public.



Event Description

What is the Dark Matter which makes 85% of the matter in the Universe? We have been asking this question for many decades and used a variety of experimental approaches to address it,   with detectors on Earth and in space. Yet, the nature of Dark Matter remains a mystery.  An answer to this fundamental question will likely come from ongoing and future searches with accelerators, indirect and direct detection. Detection of a Dark Matter signal in an ultra-low background terrestrial detector will provide the most direct evidence of its existence and will represent a ground-breaking discovery in physics and cosmology.  Among the variety of dark matter detectors, liquid xenon time projection chambers have shown to be the most sensitive, thanks to a combination of very large target mass, ultra-low background and excellent signal-to-noise discrimination.  Experiments based on this technology have led the field for the past decade. I will focus on the XENON project and its prospects to continue to be at the forefront of dark matter direct detection in the coming decade.


Recording of Professor Aprile's Talk: 

Department of Physics