Biophysics Seminar: Satu Palva, University of Helsinki and University of Glasgow| Multi-scale synchronization dynamics in human cognition| Zoom

Mar 29, 2021, 12:15 pm12:15 pm
A free lecture open to the public.



Event Description

Perception, attention and working memory are fundamental cognitive functions, which are based on parallel processing in many brain areas. Neuronal oscillations at sub-second timescales and their phase correlations a.k.a. phase-synchronization are putative mechanisms for the coordination of neuronal processing and communication spread across brain thereby supporting the emergence these functions. In humans, these neuronal activities can be investigated with magneto and electroencephalography (M/EEG) as well as with intracranial EEG (iEEG), which represents whole-cortex and local windows, respectively, to brain function and dysfunction. We have mapped complex oscillatory networks within and across oscillatory frequencies as well as their dynamics from source-reconstructed M/EEG and iEEG data using a combination of novel signal processing and network science approaches. Our results provide insight into how oscillatory synchronization in multiple spatial and temporal scales could support perceptual and memory functions. Our recent results also shed light on how genetic underpinnings influence oscillatory dynamics and its variability across individuals.  


Arnulfo, G., Wang, S.H., Toselli, B., Myrov, V., Hirvonen, J., Fato, M., Nobili, L., Cardinale, F., Rubino, A., Zhigalov, A., Palva, S., Palva, J.M. (2020) Long-range phase synchronization of high-frequency oscillations in human cortex. Nature Communications. 11:5363

Palva S, Palva JM (2018) Roles of brain criticality and multi-scale oscillations in temporal predictions for sensorimotor processing. Trends Neurosci. 41 (10): 729-743, DOI:

Siebenhuhner F, Wang SH, Arnulfo G, Lampinen A, Nobili L, Palva JM, Palva S (2020) Resting-state cross-frequency coupling networks in human electrophysiological recordings Plos Biology 18(5): e3000685.
