Events Archive

Gravity Group Lunch Seminar, Saptarshi Chaudhuri | Princeton "Axions and DM Radio at Princeton"
Fri, Dec 18, 2020, 12:00 pm12:00 pm

I introduce DM Radio, a lumped-LC oscillator search for axion dark matter. I review the detection scheme and design, current experimental status, and future prospects, including the use of electromagnetic quantum metrology in previously-unexplored kHz and MHz frequency ranges. Experimental efforts at Princeton, in particular probes of loss…

Gravity Group Lunch Seminar, Anne Gambrel | KICP, U. Chicago "The XFaster Power Spectrum and Likelihood Estimator and its Application to SPIDER"
Fri, Nov 20, 2020, 12:00 pm12:00 pm

Every analysis of cosmic microwave background observations faces the challenge of compressing large amounts of data into the comparatively tiny spaces of power spectra and cosmological parameters. A variety of pipelines have been used to accomplish this task, balancing the goals of optimally computing these quantities and their errors while…

Gravity Group Seminar | Speakers TBA "The Simons Observatory Instrument: Status of Ongoing Research at Princeton"
Fri, Nov 13, 2020, 12:00 pm12:00 pm

The Simons Observatory (SO) will be a cosmic microwave background (CMB) survey experiment with four small-aperture telescopes (SATs) and one large-aperture telescope, which will observe from the Atacama Desert in Chile. In total, SO will field over 60,000 transition-edge sensor (TES) bolometers in six spectral bands centered between 27 and 280…

Gravity Group Seminar | Status of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope
Fri, Oct 23, 2020, 12:00 pm12:00 pm

Adri Duivenvoorden, Zack Li, Brandon Hensley, Jo Dunkley, and Lyman Page will update us on the status of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT).

Gravity Group Lunch Seminar, Justin Ripley | DAMTP "Classical modifications to Einstein's General Relativity around black holes"
Fri, Oct 16, 2020, 12:00 pm12:00 pm

In this talk I will discuss recent work on the dynamics of black holes in Einstein dilaton Gauss-Bonnet (EDGB) gravity. This modified gravity theory can be motivated by effective field theory reasoning, and admits scalarized black hole solutions. These two facts make it an interesting candidate theory to constrain using binary black hole,…

Gravity Group Seminar | Meet the Gravity Group
Fri, Sep 18, 2020, 12:00 pm12:00 pm

We will kick off this season with a "Meet the Gravity Group" event. The format will be the same as last year's: all of us, be we juniors getting started on our Fall papers or emeritus, will get one slide and one minute to introduce ourselves to our new colleagues and share our spring / summer updates with the group.


Gravity Group Lunch Seminar, Daniel Dutcher | U. Chicago “Measuring the Polarization of the CMB with SPT-3G” (CANCELED)
Fri, Mar 13, 2020, 12:00 pm12:00 pm

Observations of the cosmic microwave background form the pillar of our current understanding of cosmology. Measurements of the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB extending to small angular scales set tight constraints on cosmological parameters, probing both the standard LCDM model and the physics of inflation. Making these…

Gravity Group Lunch Seminar, Justin Ripley & Joseph van der List | Princeton
Fri, Mar 6, 2020, 12:00 pm12:00 pm

Justin Ripley, Princeton University "Modeling the 'ringdown' of a Kerr black hole"

We present on progress to compute the second order metric perturbation of a Kerr black hole. We will first introduce the Teukolsky equation, and explain how it is used to understand first order perturbations of a Kerr black hole. We…

Gravity Group Lunch Seminar, Zack Li & Rita Sonka | Princeton
Fri, Feb 28, 2020, 12:00 pm12:00 pm

Zack Li, Princeton University
"ABS, ACT, and Planck via the Simons Observatory Power Spectrum Pipeline"

I will present an open-source and validated pipeline for curved sky CMB power spectrum analysis, intended for use with Simons Observatory. I'll discuss cross-correlations of maps from the ground-based ACT and…

Gravity Group Lunch Seminar, Ivan Padilla | JHU "Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor: Circular polarization at 40 GHz"
Fri, Feb 7, 2020, 12:00 pm12:00 pm

Large angular scale polarimetry of the CMB will provide powerful constraints on the cosmological parameters r, the tensor-to-scalar ratio, and tau, the optical depth to the epoch of reionization. The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) is targeting these scales by conducting a survey from the Atacama, covering ~75% of the sky, across…