Events Archive

Mathematical Physics Seminar: Simone Warzel,TU-Munich, "Spectral Gaps, Incompressibility and Fragmented Matrix-Product State in a Fractional Quantum Hall System"
Tue, May 5, 2020, 2:00 pm2:00 pm

In the thin cylinder regime Haldane’s pseudo-potential corresponding to one-third filling results in a frustration-free fermionic lattice Hamiltonian which is dipole-conserving with an added electrostatic interaction. Its zero-energy eigenspace is exponentially large. Nevertheless, it admits a a rather simple, full description in terms of a…

Mathematical Physics Seminar: Uzy Smilansky, Weizmann Institute, "Systematics of spectral shifts in random matrix ensembles"
Fri, May 1, 2020, 11:00 am11:00 am

We chose a $N\times N$ Hermitian matrix randomly picked from one of the  random Gaussian matrix ensembles $(\beta =1,2,4)$ - the reference matrix. Perturbing it with a sequence of rank $t$ matrices, with $t$ taking the values $1\le t \le N$, we study the expected difference between the spectra of the  perturbed and the reference matrices as a…

Mathematical Physics Seminar: Marius Lemm, Harvard University, "Spectral Gaps in Quantum Spin Systems"
Tue, Mar 10, 2020, 4:30 pm4:30 pm

Quantum spin systems are many-body models which are of wide interest in modern physics and at the same time amenable to rigorous mathematical analysis. A central question about a quantum spin system is whether its Hamiltonian exhibits a spectral gap above the ground state. The existence of such a spectral gap has far-reaching consequences, e.g…

Mathematical Physics Seminar: Ian Jauslin, Princeton University, "A Simplified Approach to Interacting Bose Gases"
Tue, Mar 3, 2020, 4:30 pm4:30 pm

I will discuss some new results about an effective theory introduced by Lieb in 1963 to approximate the ground state energy of interacting Bosons at low density. In this regime, it agrees with the predictions of Bogolyubov. At high densities, Hartree theory provides a good approximation. In this talk, I will show that the '63 effective theory…

Mathematical Physics Seminar: Michael Kiessling, Rutgers University, "Quantization of the electromagnetic field as a consequence of old-fashioned semi-relativistic quantum mechanics of radiating atoms''
Tue, Feb 25, 2020, 4:30 pm4:30 pm

Born's probabilistic interpretation of Schroedinger's wave function is shown to lead to a semi-relativistic quantum mechanics of atoms, molecules, etc., coupled with electromagnetic radiation. No second quantization is invoked, yet the photon naturally shows up in this formulation.

Mathematical Physics Seminar: Charles Newman, Courant Institute, "A Gaussian Process Related to the Mass Spectrum of the Near-Critical Ising Model"
Tue, Feb 11, 2020, 4:30 pm4:30 pm

The continuum scaling limit of the Ising model in d dimensions at the critical temperature whose magnetic field properly scales to zero with lattice spacing is (or should be) a non-Gaussian generalized random field Phi for d = 2 (and d = 3). This field is (or should be)  related to arelativistic quantum field theory with one time and d-1 space…
