First year students should plan to spend three to four months on their experimental project and they should begin by May of their first year. If you plan to work on it full time it should take about six weeks. The length and format of the write-up is flexible, but typically comparable to a report in a letter-type journal. It is advisable that the level be aimed at physicists who are not expert in the field. The written report is due to the advisor of your experimental project and the Graduate Administrator by the end of October of your second year. (If more time is needed, there is a backup date in early May, but you should plan for October.) Your oral presentation will be in front of a Committee of two professors that is put together by the Graduate Administrator. The time slot for your oral presentation is 30 minutes long. Please plan your actual presentation to be no more than 15 minutes, since the main purpose is for the Committee to ask questions. The Committee will have received the written report prior to the oral presentation. Questions about anything in your report are fair game as are reasonable questions about the equipment on which your report is based. Remember, this is an experimental oral given by experimentalists! Dates for the experimental oral presentation are at this link. The Graduate Administrator will send out a sign up schedule for students to select a 30 minute time slot for their presentation. Questions about the experimental project should be directed to Professor Simone Giombi (DGS).