Stevie Bergman, Graduate Student - Video still courtesy of Danielle Alio, Office of Communications Below is a list of the core courses. They are divided in four groups, and students are required to take and pass (at least) one course in each group, within the first two years of study. Thus minimally, a student needs to pass four core courses. A passing grade is a B or higher: In other words, B, B+, A-, A, and A+ are the passing grades.Quantum Mechanics/Quantum Field TheoryPHY 506 Advanced Quantum MechanicsPHY 509 Relativistic Quantum Theory IPHY 510 Relativistic Quantum Theory IIPHY 529* Introduction to High Energy PhysicsCondensed Matter/Biophysics/Atomic PhysicsPHY 525 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics IPHY 526 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics IIPHY 551 Atomic PhysicsPHY 561 or 562 BiophysicsGeneral Relativity/High Energy PhysicsPHY 523 Introduction to General RelativityPHY 524 Advanced Topics in General RelativityPHY 529* Introduction to High Energy Physics*Please note that PHY 529 can count as either the Quantum Mechanics/Quantum Field Theory requirement or the General Relativity/High Energy Physics requirement, but not both.Career DevelopmentPhy 502 Communicating Physics CourseCourse enrollment is done through TigerHub.